Here you will find the most important links to the Digital Healthcare Act (DVG) and the Digital Health Applications Ordinance (DiGAV). This list is intended to help you access the relevant documents more quickly for regular reference. This page also provides an overview of the most important resources relevant to the development of DiGA.

DiGAV: Law and ordinance online and as download (PDF, HTML, EPUB, XML)

Note: Strictly speaking, the DiGAV is not a law, but an ordinance.

DVG: Law online and as download (PDF)

DVPMG: Law online and as download (PDF)

DigiG: Law online and as download (PDF)

More useful DiGA links

Any further questions?

As a service provider for the development of DiGA and medical apps, we are very experienced in the implementation of the current legal provisions for DiGA. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: Phone: +49 (0) 89 54998380 Email: