Diabetes prevention

The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is strongly influenced by a person’s individual lifestyle. The Triangle app (for iOS and Android smartphones) helps people reduce their risk of diabetes by increasing physical activity, eating healthier, and adopting a positive mindset.
The app helps users adapt healthy habits in the long-term and provides an extensive knowledge base on diabetes prevention. At the same time, it allows users to stay in regular contact with an online coach through an integrated chat.
Triangle’s challenge was to combine the complex requirements of all parties involved in an intuitive app. Nutritionists, sports scientists, psychologists and doctors were involved in the development. The goal: an easy-to-use app that users would enjoy using on a daily basis.
At the same time, patients should be able to chat securely and reliably with their medical coach. During the implementation of the app chat therefore no issues should be occurring, so extensive testing was an indispensable part of the development.
Triangle was developed for the Diabetes Research Group at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in close cooperation with Andreas Lechner and Anne Potzel. The agile implementation of the app was performed through a strong exchange between clinical researchers, developers, designers and project managers.
Through a variety of testing strategies, we were able to ensure the high quality standards. To facilitate the continuous exchange between all parties, Continuous Delivery, the automated transmission of the current app version, was also an important part of the development.
“Working with QuickBird Medical has been a pleasure in every way,” said Andreas Lechner, M.D., the head of LMU Hospital’s Diabetes Research Group. “The quality of the software and the easy and effective communication with each other was outstanding.”
The Diabetes Research Group is currently testing the app in several clinical trials and then plans to commercially launch it into the regular care setting.
Once the clinical trial is complete, Triangle will be made accessible to clinics other than LMU Klinikum as well. The doctors also liked the app so much that more projects based on Triangle are planned for the future.
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