Case studies

Here we present some of our completed projects.

Neptun Diabetes Management

A new way to help diabetes patients live a simple, carefree life

In order to have an overview of their physical condition and find suitable treatment measures, many diabetes patients document their blood glucose levels, eating habits and other parameters every day. This takes a lot of time. Neptun Diabetes Management automates much of this process. The medical app helps patients keep track of their health status without spending a lot of time.


Mentally healthy through pregnancy

Mental health is often not the focus of medical care during pregnancy – even though this phase is often marked by uncertainty and anxiety. mamly contributes to mindful living and offers psychologically stressed women access to digital coaching sessions.

Muscle Ultrasound Course

An app for training physicians

After strokes, patients often suffer from cramps or muscle spasms. Targeted injections of Botox help to relax the muscles again. The doctor learns the necessary knowledge about the position and structure of the muscles with the help of the Muscle Ultrasound Course app.


Apps that support doctors

For clinics like Sportsclinic Cologne, we develop apps that help doctors work more efficiently and precisely. ACL-X helps surgeons operate on cruciate ligament injuries. ACL-X hilft Chirurgen bei der Operation von Kreuzband-Verletzungen.


An audio library for visually impaired people

For blind and visually impaired people, the use of mobile applications is often associated with great difficulties. Most applications are not tailored to the needs of people with visual impairments. With the catalogue app of the Bavarian Audio Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Reading Impaired (BBH), registered users can browse the online catalogue of the BBH, order Daisy books or listen to them directly on their smartphone or tablet.


Diabetes prevention

The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is strongly influenced by a person’s personal lifestyle. The Triangle app helps people reduce their risk of diabetes by increasing physical activity, eating healthier, and adopting a positive mindset.

You want to realize a medical software idea?

Contact us first without obligation. We will look together at the effort and the time frame in which an implementation would be possible. In addition, we can already give technical feedback for possible procedures for the development of the software.

QuickBird Medical

QuickBird GmbH
Nymphenburgerstr. 13-15
80335 Munich